“cleaning products”
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Help Others Stay Safe and Clean

2020 has been a difficult year for many, making this #GivingTuesday a particularly good time to reach out and help. Let’s make the world a better place, whether in a global cause or supporting those in need in the local community. Given the concerns of an ongoing pandemic, along with...

Creating Your Cleaning Products Together

The companies that make our favorite cleaning products are innovating all the time. Whether it’s making a more effective detergent or designing packaging that’s more sustainable, scientists and staff are creating cleaning products that increasingly meet the needs of consumers and the planet. One of the key components of an...

What’s the #1 Cleaning Product We Have in Our Homes?

According to ACI’s 2019 American Cleaning Survey, 98 percent of households regularly stock cleaning products at home. That’s great news because clean = happy and healthy. Cleaning the surfaces in our homes and our possessions not only keeps them in good condition, but also removes dirt, germs, allergens, dust, mold...

Which is Better for Laundry – Hard or Soft Water?

Can the kind of water you have affect your laundry? You bet. It depends on the water’s softness or hardness. Soft water aids cleaning. Hard water poses some obstacles to cleaning. Hard water contains minerals (mostly calcium and magnesium) which react with soap to form a curd. Soap curd can...