
Hands Up for Handwashing

As we celebrate National Public Health Week, it’s important to highlight the simple yet effective practice of handwashing. This seemingly mundane task plays a crucial role in preventing the spread of infections and diseases so that we can protect ourselves, our families, and our communities.

Sure, here are some tips to help you and your loved ones remember to wash your hands correctly:

Set Reminders: Consider setting reminders on your phone or placing sticky notes in visible areas like your bathroom or kitchen to prompt you to wash your hands regularly.

Establish Routine: Make handwashing a part of your daily routine. Try habit stacking, like every time you reach for the fridge to get a snack, you take a moment to wash your hands before eating.

Visual Cues: Hang up our sign with the 5 steps to handwashing near your sink as a helpful reminder of proper technique.

Take our Quiz: Think you know all about handwashing? Prove it by playing the Healthy Schools, Healthy People handwashing games, including a pop quiz.

Teach It: They say there’s no better way to learn than through teaching others. Consider taking on a community project to teach others in your community and spread knowledge, not germs. Here are some project ideas.

Let’s all raise our (washed) hands in support of handwashing!



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