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When to Choose Antibacterial Soap

Global Handwashing Day is coming up! We all know that washing your hands with soap and water helps to prevent illness. This is through a combination of the friction of scrubbing hands together, the properties of the soap to break up and trap germs and grime, and the action of...

Hands Up for Handwashing

As we celebrate National Public Health Week, it’s important to highlight the simple yet effective practice of handwashing. This seemingly mundane task plays a crucial role in preventing the spread of infections and diseases so that we can protect ourselves, our families, and our communities. Sure, here are some tips...

Highlighting the Importance of Handwashing

It’s National Handwashing Awareness Week and a good time to help spread the word about the importance of hand hygiene. Winter is an especially important time for washing our hands to help prevent illness because of increased levels of COVID-19, cold, flu, and RSV circulating in our communities. Check out...

Making Handwashing a Habit

National Public Health Week starts today and is about making sure communities have a chance at long and healthy lives. One way to make a community healthier is educating children on the importance of handwashing and making it a habit each and every day. According to the CDC, washing your...

Unite for Hand Hygiene

Global Handwashing Day is coming up this weekend! The theme for this year is: Unite for Hand Hygiene. And, in recognizing the importance of hand hygiene for health, we do seem to be united. In a survey earlier this year, the American Cleaning Institute (ACI) found that 93% of respondents...

Promoting Proper Hand Hygiene

May 5, 2022, is World Hand Hygiene Day. This year’s theme is focused on recognizing that we can add to a facility’s climate or culture of safety and quality through cleaning our hands, but also that a strong quality and safety culture will encourage people to clean hands at the...

Fun with Handwashing for Any Age

December 1-7, 2021 marks National Handwashing Awareness Week. Since we’re in the midst of cold and flu season, it’s especially important to revisit the basics of handwashing. We’ll be spending more time indoors and around others who might have colds, making it more likely that we’ll be exposed to the...

How to Teach Hand Hygiene Habits

Happy Global Handwashing Day! It’s the perfect time to reinforce the importance of hand hygiene. Keeping your hands clean is one of the easiest and most effective ways to stop the spread of germs. This observance day is part of an international handwashing promotion campaign to help motivate people to...

“Healthy Schools, Healthy People” Website: Resources for Parents, School Staff and Kids

The American Cleaning Institute (ACI) unveiled a new website for the Healthy Schools, Healthy People program. The new website features resources for educators, school nurses, administrators, parents and students. The redesign also includes interactive games, a newsletter, webinar program and dedicated social media. The Healthy Schools, Healthy People program is...