Author Archives: Jessica Ek

The Role of Cleaning in Health Care

There are a lot of cleaning products out there. Some are strong disinfectants and others are as simple as a bar of soap. These cleaning products all play a role in keeping ourselves, our loved ones, our homes and public spaces clean. This is especially important in public places like...

Disability-Friendly Cleaning

Everyone should have a clean and safe environment. For the roughly 13% of Americans with a disability, it is important to have access to cleaning products and tools that make these daily tasks accessible. The cleaning products industry continues to innovate to provide options that help meet the diverse needs...

Clean Packing for Summer Camp

Summer camp is a time for adventure and fun, but it’s also important to stay clean and healthy. Here’s a list of essential cleaning and hand hygiene items to pack: Hand Sanitizer: A must-have for quick disinfection, especially when soap and water aren’t readily available. Disinfectant Wipes: Perfect for wiping...

Declutter for an Easy, Breezy Summer

Summer is the perfect time to declutter your home and make space for fun and relaxation. Here’s how you can clean up and enjoy an easy, breezy summer: Find Your Focus: Spend your time decluttering the spaces and surfaces that will give you the most peace of mind. That could...

Cleaning Tips for Beach Trips

Going to the beach is a fun and relaxing way to enjoy the summer, but you can also bring home a lot of unwanted sand that can be hard to clean. With a little planning, you can avoid most of the mess and just bring home the memories, and maybe...

Terminating Workplace Stains

Whether you work from home or in an office, chances are you’ve spilled something on your clothes at some point. Maybe it was a coffee break gone wrong, a lunchtime mishap, or a clumsy co-worker. Stains can ruin your professional appearance and make you feel self-conscious. But with some know-how,...

World Refill Day

Join millions of people around the world taking action on World Refill Day, June 16. Using reusable products can be a great way to reduce the need for single-use plastic. Properly cleaning your reusables goes a long way toward helping them last. Here are our tips for taking care of...

Common Laundry Questions

We get a lot of questions about laundry! It may seem like a straightforward task but there are different instructions and products that could cause confusion. There are several factors to consider if you want to keep your clothes clean and in good shape. Today, we’re answering some of the...