
How to Read a Product Label

How do you know you’re using a cleaning product correctly? Maybe you’re cleaning the same way your parents did. Perhaps you’re doing what you’ve seen on TV. Not bad. But hopefully you’ve also peeked at the product label and followed the information on there. In fact, that label should get more than a peek. You may be surprised by just how much information it has.

What can you find on a cleaning product label? Here’s what one of ACI’s scientists has to say:


So the next time you pick up a cleaning product, keep an eye out for these main sections:

  • Directions: Always use products as instructed for safe use and best results.
  • Caution Warnings: Warnings will be in bold, large print.
  • Ingredients: More detailed information can be found on the manufacturer’s website or through SmartLabel.
  • Storage and Disposal Instructions: Products will have specifications on storage to ensure safety and help products last. Disposal instructions will say how to discard leftover product and if the packaging is recyclable.


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