
Solutions to Winter Cleaning Challenges

Winter can bring its own cleaning challenges but you don’t have to wait until your spring deep cleaning to address them. We’ve compiled some of the winter cleaning questions we’ve been hearing, along with our advice. Let us know in the comments if you try out these tips! 

Q: My home doesn’t have much of a foyer so you enter right into the living space. In the winter, it’s hard to keep people from tracking snow and slush into the house and ruining my floors. Do you have any suggestions? 

A: Place an inexpensive, washable throw rug just inside the entryway. Be sure there’s a pad or other accommodation under it so it’s slip-proof. If the slush and snow are a big problem, buy a twin so you can wash one of them every few days.  

Next, invest in a boot tray so boots and wet shoes have a place to deposit their moisture. Also, consider a basket or some type of attractive container where family members can leave a pair of slippers or an extra set of debris-free shoes to put on when they shed dirty boots and shoes. Vacuum frequently to remove the inevitable grit. If left, it will embed itself into your carpets and scratch your wood floors. 

Q: When we use the fireplace, soot inevitably gets on the carpet. How can I remove it? 

A: Soot is tricky. The first thing you want to do is avoid rubbing it into the carpet. Vacuum the spot, using a canister vacuum and a crevice tool. Avoid the upright type of vacuum with a rotating brush, as the brush will spread the stain. Gently work from the outer edge of the stain to the center. If this doesn’t remove most of the stain, call a carpet cleaning professional. If the stain is mostly gone, apply rubbing alcohol to a clean white cloth and blot gently until the spot is removed. Do not saturate the carpet, as the alcohol can harm the backing if it has a latex bond. If the spot remains, mix ¼ teaspoon of liquid dish detergent with one quart of water. Blot gently with a clean white paper towel. Continue until the spot is removed. To rinse, mist using tap water and a spray bottle; blot to remove the moisture. Spray lightly; apply a pad (about ½” thick) of paper towels weighted down with a brick. Let the carpet thoroughly dry. 

Q: Last year Super Bowl party snacks nearly ruined my sofa. How can I either protect fabric from stains or clean them up thoroughly?  

A: Aside from covering your furniture with plastic, your best bet is to have the appropriate cleaners on hand. Using the wrong cleaners can damage upholstery, so be sure to read care labels before cleaning any fabric. As a general practice you can best clean super-sized Super Bowl stains by gently blotting up liquid or food rather than scrubbing or rubbing the spot. (Rubbing can drive stains deeper into fabrics.) As soon as you’re able, use upholstery cleaner on the spot. Read and follow the cleaner directions before using.  

Another tip: use only white paper towels or cloths to wipe up spilled liquids or solids. Colored napkins or towels can leave their own colored stain.  



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