Author Archives: Jessica Ek

Things You Can Clean in the Dishwasher

Your cleaning appliances may be more versatile than you realize. It can be a quick way to clean things without hand washing or having them tumble around in the washing machine. When cleaning things other than dishes, you generally want to use the top rack, which will keep it away...

Folding for Space Saving

When the laundry is done, it’s time for folding and putting it all away. But let’s face it, some things are easier to fold than others. We gathered resources and videos to help you fold like a pro. Fitted Sheet – This one trips a lot of people up, but...

Back-to-School Reset

The end of summer brings back-to-school shopping. It’s also a time for back to school cleaning. By cleaning and organizing now, you can help ensure the start of the school year is a successful one. We’ve pulled together a list of the top spots to focus on that back-to-school deep...

Organizing Family Chores

According to Pew Research, only 46% of men and 34% of women believe that household chores are divided equally. Cleaning is an important chore for helping with illness prevention and general wellbeing, but how can it be divvied up more equitably? Here are some methods for chore division that can...

Summer Stain Guide

Send tough summer stains packing! Whether it’s a backyard picnic or a trip to the beach, stains seem to tag along. Our tips for removing some common summer stains and products that can help get the job done easier! Ice cream. Use a pretreat laundry product. Then launder. If it’s...

Tidy Up While School’s Out

While kids are home for the summer, it can be a good opportunity to get them involved in chores. They have more time to make messes and more time to learn how to clean them up! It can also maintain some routine and responsibility that can be missing while school...

To Sort or Not to Sort

Does laundry sorting still matter? The ACI website’s laundry guide recommends sorting, yet a third of U.S. adults don’t bother. Have these non-sorters found a time-saving tip or are they ruining their clothes? Washing mixed loads of laundry doesn’t mean your clothes will be immediately ruined. Gone are the days...