Although a clean bathroom is a health benefit anytime of the year, right now it’s particularly important to be vigilant about germs. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the period when an infected person is contagious can depend on factors that include the age and health...
Doing These 5 Things Can Help You Avoid Catching a Cold
While the weather outside may be frightful during the winter months, by doing a few simple things, you can be sure your health stays delightful. Germs that spread cold and flu can be passed to you, your kids, and others through contact as trivial as opening a door or grabbing...
Want to Avoid Colds and Flu? Read This.
Most germs are spread through the air through coughing, sneezing and even breathing. And, of course we know that germs can be transferred from person to person through contact (think handshakes, kisses, and hugs). And as the holidays approach, we’ll be doing a lot of hugging and kissing. Keep the...
What exactly are antibacterial disinfectants, anyway?
In a nutshell, antibacterial disinfectants help kill germs on the surfaces in our homes. They’re pretty easy to recognize because their labels say they disinfect, kill bacteria or sanitize. Their active ingredients and formulations go beyond simple cleaning. They kill or control the growth of microorganisms, including food borne bacteria...
Thank Your School Nurse
This is School Nurses Week, and there’s no better time to take time to appreciate our school nurses. According to the National Association of School Nurses, the work of these amazing professionals helps improve student attendance and academics, keeps teachers healthy and schools up to par. Let’s make their jobs...
Nothing to Sneeze At
Catching a cold or getting the flu is nothing to sneeze at. Besides missed school and work days (or weeks), being sick can throw a whole household off kilter, with doctor visits and trips to the pharmacy. Cold and flu viruses are caught through the membranes in our noses, mouth,...
Get Healthy on Global Handwashing Day – Think Soap, Not Soup
When was the last time you washed your hands? It’s cold and flu season and, as the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. So soap now beats chicken soup later. Join ACI and the CDC today in observing Global Handwashing Day – the perfect...
National Child Health Day
It’s National Child Health Day – a reminder for us all to focus on the health and safety of our kids and families. In addition to keeping germs, bacteria, and allergens at bay in our homes through routine cleaning, here are some other proven ways to help ensure our youngest...