When someone in the home has Alzheimer’s or dementia, there are precautions caregivers can take to help ensure a safer environment. It includes going from room to room and assessing what changes might need to be made, from storing liquid laundry packets out of sight to making adjustments that help...
Cleaning Safety for Caregivers
November is National Family Caregivers Month! For many caregivers, part of the role involves ensuring a clean environment for someone who is not able to clean for themselves at the level needed. This is especially important when caring for those who are immunocompromised. When it comes to cleaning, there are...
Teaching Caring by Sharing the Cleaning
One thing the pandemic taught many households over the past year or so is that roles are fluid. Whether picking up new caretaking duties or household chores, many families needed to redistribute the load when outside support was unavailable. This included getting the kids involved in helping around the home,...
Cleaning Product Safety
There’s nothing more important than the health and well-being of our friends and family, especially those who can’t always care for themselves. When it comes to cleaning, ACI offers tips for helping ensure children, pets, and older family members are not tempted to touch or accidentally ingest cleaning products. When...
I Put My #PacketsUp Because…
We can never talk about cleaning product safety too much for National Safety Month! It’s the perfect time to reinforce the need to properly use and store liquid laundry packets, especially if you have young kids in the house, or if you are caring for adults with dementia or Alzheimer’s....
Keeping Your Kitty Cat’s Home Safe and Clean
June is adopt a shelter cat month! If you bring a precious kitty home (or already have a favorite feline friend)`, here are a few steps to cat-proof your space so you can enjoy years of happiness together. Beware of Poisonous Plants You may want to put houseplants where your...
Think Safety During Poison Prevention Week
If you’re spring cleaning like 75% of your neighbors, it’s a good time to keep an eye out for safety. In recognition of Poison Prevention Week, be sure look for things that should not be within reach of children and adults with Alzheimer’s or dementia. including cleaning products and other...