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Safe Cleaning Product Storage for Caregivers

When someone in the home has Alzheimer’s or dementia, there are precautions caregivers can take to help ensure a safer environment. It includes going from room to room and assessing what changes might need to be made, from storing liquid laundry packets out of sight to making adjustments that help...

Cleaning Safety for Caregivers

November is National Family Caregivers Month! For many caregivers, part of the role involves ensuring a clean environment for someone who is not able to clean for themselves at the level needed. This is especially important when caring for those who are immunocompromised. When it comes to cleaning, there are...

Holiday Food Safety

From family dinners to buffets and snacks with friends, the holidays often have food at the center of the gathering. Care for your loved ones by preparing food with care and cleaning appropriately before and after cooking. It’s a great way to help everyone stay healthy for the holidays. If...

Cleaning Without Injury

It’s time for the holidays and that can mean lots of cooking decorating and, of course, cleaning in preparation. While cleaning, be careful and take steps to avoid injury. Accidents can happen in an instant and could put an avoidable damper on your festivities. Follow our four tips for staying...

Think Safety During Poison Prevention Week

If you’re spring cleaning like 75% of your neighbors, it’s a good time to keep an eye out for safety. In recognition of Poison Prevention Week, be sure look for things that should not be within reach of children and adults with Alzheimer’s or dementia. including cleaning products and other...