
Tips for Renovating or Redecorating

If you’re planning to renovate or redecorate your laundry room, now is the perfect time to assess your laundry needs and make sure your space is functional, safe and pleasing to be in. A well-organized room can make it easier to find what you need, saving you time and energy. Plus, if you like the room that you’re in, it can make the laundry experience more enjoyable.

One important thing to remember as you’re setting up your room: Liquid laundry packets and other cleaning products should always be stored in their original containers, up and out of reach of children and adults with cognitive disabilities.

The original packaging has safety features that can help prevent accidental exposures among children and adults with cognitive disabilities. Taking products out of their original packaging removes that layer of safety.

If you want to spruce up your room with decorative jars, consider using them for clothespins or decorative items. When it comes to liquid laundry packets and other cleaning products, here are a couple ways to store them with both safety and style in mind:

  • Give cabinets a new look with a fresh coat of paint. Keep cleaning products up and out of sight in wall cabinets. Use cabinet locks for an additional layer of safety.
  • Have open shelves? Use wicker baskets to store cleaning products so they aren’t visible. You can even label the baskets and sort the products by type to help you stay organized.

Keep visual safety reminders in the room as well. Get a free Packets Up! cling to put on your cabinet or washer as a reminder to store products safely at all times. Also, put the poison control help number (1-800-222-1222) in your phone and post it somewhere visible in the room.

Remember, when it comes to liquid laundry packets and other cleaning products, always Store Not Decor.




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