
Cleaning Safety for Caregivers

November is National Family Caregivers Month! For many caregivers, part of the role involves ensuring a clean environment for someone who is not able to clean for themselves at the level needed. This is especially important when caring for those who are immunocompromised. When it comes to cleaning, there are a number of things to keep in mind to keep your loved ones safe and healthy. Here are some caregiver cleaning safety tips:

  • Wash hands regularly to help prevent spreading germs. Make sure you’re following best handwashing practices every time.
  • Clean key surfaces, like in the kitchen and bathroom, regularly, following the directions on the cleaning product label to ensure effectiveness. This is especially important if you are disinfecting surfaces.
  • Follow increased laundry precautions as appropriate. Our Levels of Laundry guide can help provide guidance.
  • Store cleaning products out of sight and reach. This includes things like liquid laundry packets.
  • Clear clutter, especially anything on the floor that could be a tripping hazard to help minimize fall risks.

We hope these tips help make your job a little easier and provide some peace of mind.


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