Author Archives: Jessica Ek

Making Learning Fun and Clean

Today is the International Day of Education! Given the heightened importance of cleaning, disinfecting and hand hygiene this year, it’s the perfect topic to learn. We have educational resources and activities for kids and adults alike to learn about the science and importance of cleaning. Exploration Clean – Ever wonder...

Safe and Clean Mask Care Reminders

If you’re like many of us, you’ve become a pro at masking up before heading out. It’s a good habit to be in because it’s likely we’ll need to wear masks for months more to come. But are you caring for those masks correctly? Here are a few tips: Don’t...

Declutter Your Desk

It’s National Clean Off Your Desk Day – the perfect day to resolve to get that desk clutter under control, whether you’re in the office or working from home. We touch so many “public” surfaces on our way to work – door handles, elevator buttons, railings and more. Even when...

A Year of Cleaning

A new year is a chance for a clean slate and a clean home. The trick to staying on top of cleaning is to have a schedule that works. During quarantine, many of us have fallen out of our usual schedules, so to help you get back on track, we’ve...

Help Others Stay Safe and Clean

2020 has been a difficult year for many, making this #GivingTuesday a particularly good time to reach out and help. Let’s make the world a better place, whether in a global cause or supporting those in need in the local community. Given the concerns of an ongoing pandemic, along with...

Cleaning Without Injury

It’s time for the holidays and that can mean lots of cooking decorating and, of course, cleaning in preparation. While cleaning, be careful and take steps to avoid injury. Accidents can happen in an instant and could put an avoidable damper on your festivities. Follow our four tips for staying...

Safe and Clean Thanksgiving Hosting

As many households come up with plans for celebrating Thanksgiving this year, extra care should be given for in-person festivities. PREPARING FOR THE EVENT Plan with COVID-19 in mind. When planning to host, you should assess current COVID-19 levels in your community to determine whether to postpone, cancel, or limit...